Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Solar cooker

Here is a solar cooker video for you

I threw some snow on there so you can tell how hot it is. 
You can hear the stainless plate warp shortly after I put the snow on.


popsicornia said...

watching water boil--only of the internet!

Good video, thx.

Zack said...

My next video will be of a solar paint drier.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Where did you get that thing?

Zack said...

The company I work for will be selling these shortly. Check out http://www.wsetech.com/solarcooker.php

Chervil said...

Great - I have been looking into solar cookers, sounds like a fantastic idea, and good to see that it actually works!

Anonymous said...

Nice video; is this a blog or an advertisement???


Anonymous said...

I have been looking into solar cookers, sounds like a fantastic idea, and good to see that it actually works!
how make a solar panel

Anonymous said...

I work for will be selling these shortly. Check out http://www.wsetech.com/solarcooker.phpsexy costumes

Unknown said...

You could fry some serious anthills with that thing...how to make solar panels

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cameron said...

Recognition for the nice post new baby quotes.I am expecting some amazing idea from your side perfection quotes.