Over the Thanksgiving long weekend I was out in Edmonton visiting Dad and Nigel. That was a lot of fun. I saw them and we visited Sonia and her kids as well as Wendy and her kids came out. We had thanksgiving supper on Sunday with Nigel's Mom's family and it was awesome. On Saturday night we went to the peeler bar which was a blast and I'll leave the details out to protect the guilty. On Sunday Nigel had a football game at the U of A and they got to play on the artificial turf. Wow it was nice, felt just like real grass. It was a blow out, Nigel's team won 43-0. The poor other team couldn't even manage to get the snap count right most of the time. Ah well a win is a win. Nigel's team is in second place I believe and their next game decides first. I got a really good view of the game as I volunteered to run the down markers with 2 other guys. That was nice as I never got bored and I was always right by the action.
My Nitro Sport is still out of action. I took it apart when I got home and one of the clutch bearings is boned. This gave me an excuse to buy a ball bearing set to get rid of the wheel bushings. So I'm waiting for those as well as two sets of shocks, suspension pins, axle pins and drives as well as some various other parts. Parts for the nitro sport are so cheap on eBay. The Nitro Sport, Nitro Rustler and Stampede are all basically the same car so there are lots of parts out there. I would like to get a pro ball diff but its $50. $50 on a $100 car is a bit much. I'm going to pack the diff with some heavier grease so that it acts more like a limited slip for now. I also picked up a nice tackle box to store all the parts. While I was in Edmonton I stopped in at Great Hobbies and bought some Proline Dirt Hawg tires and some rims. Hopefully these will work better than the bald old tires I was using. :)
That's about it for now.
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