Saturday was wedding day and it started bright and early. At 10 we had to haul all the booze into the hall. Hey thats bright and early for a Saturday. The wedding was at 1 and it went great although I've never had so many cameras take my picture all at the same time. Of course that wasn't the end of the pictures, we had to go for studio pictures at Picture perfect and then we were off to the university for outdoor pictures. My eyeballs got a little singed from all the flashes.
You'll all be happy to know that my speech went very well. I recieved a lot of compliments on it and I was generally happy with the way that it went. Man was I nervous though and afterwards I was so relieved to have it over with I almost fell asleep. The food was spectacular too, and as a fat guy I know food. It helps that my Dad used to own a catering business so I've been around lots of banquets and weddings. The dance and booze followed and Mark won the contest as to which of the bridal party could drink the most. Jacqui's sister came in second about 12 drinks behind. If you are wondering Mark used in the neighborhood of 30 drink tickets. Mmmm... free booze.
All in all it went very well.
In other news I recieved my lanterns in the mail.
This is the 321B with the 321C in the background, it is in pieces.
This is the 237 Empire from 1946, also in pieces. It is complete but the globe is cracked. I hope to get it running soon but with moving I don't know how long it will take.
As you may or may not know I sell things through work and I recieve emails from all over the world. This Strongbad email pretty much sums it all up.
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